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Dear guest visitors of

Due to the specialised characteristics and the relatively high value of the products and services whish are trade objects in this site, certain conditions, related with the commercial deal with it are not similar to those common for mass electronic trade. We consider our Dear  Customers as highly informed professionals, which understand the high quality and the performance abilities of the products – offered here at  most competitive prices. We guarantee them high quality of service.

On our website we deploy information about the products and services which are supplied by the firm SG-Computers Engineering Ltd, the opportunities of working with us as well as an overview of the company.

Before you begin using the information in the website we sincerely bring you to get to know our Terms Of Service. When entering and having access to the information in it You are accepting those rules without further due.

With the current Terms and Conditions the rules for using the E-Shop platform of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd, as so as the business relationship between SG-Computers Engineering Ltd and its customers are determined. Every user of the site is under the rules of the Terms of Service and has to agree with them from the moment of logging in to the moment of signing out.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd has the right to make any changes to the Terms of Service without giving any upfront notifications.

Company Information

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd is a trade unity registered by the criteria of Bulgarian Trade Law.
Address: Bulgaria, Sofia - 1614, Gorna Bania dst.
Postal Code: 1614
Reg. number: 203996683
VAT number: BG203996683
CEO: Stoycho Gerginov
Contacts with SG-Computers Engineering are made on the given herein postal address, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and mobile telephone +359 898 400 380


SG-Computers Engineering Ltd is the Seller with whom the Client/User concludes a contract for selling and buying over distance of specific goods and services stipulated in details in this E-shop.
Client/User is every person who uses the site for whatsoever reason and is directly accepting the current Terms of Service.
E-Shop/Site is an Internet (web) based page which is used as an online platform for supplying products for selling and for reaching for an agreement between Seller and Customer for the process of buying/selling of specific goods and services stipulated in it.

Account is a necessary part of this site which is a necessary condition for buying. It consists of email, password, name and a telephone number and allows only one client to make an order. The account is permitting the user to view limited content in the site which are hidden from the regular users. The account also lets the user use other services giving him better view of his current status. Full confidentiality of the client’s given data is guaranteed.

Order is request made by the user for buying one or more specific products through the E-shop.

Products and Services – any object of the terms for buying and selling from the site.

Contract is every contract concluded from a distance between SG-Computers Engineering Ltd and а Buyer for buying and selling of products and/or services from the E shop. The current Terms of Service are an irrevocable part of this contract. Every separately placed Order resembles a separate contract.

Leaflets/Bulletin/Messages – informative media via web directed to a product/s or service/s in the E-shop of SG-Computers, may be send trough the Customer's mail client.

Payment is the actual bank transfer of the agreed funds in favour of the Seller in exchange of the actual delivery of products and services to the Buyer as agreed.

Courier is a sales person who physically distributes the bought products to a given address from the Customer and is working according the Law for Mail Services.

Agreement is a deal/contract between Seller and Customer.

General Terms and Conditions

The General terms are a must to follow for all users of the site. It’s usage means that the Users are fully acquainted with the general terms and conditions after carefull reading  and accepted them.
The Terms of Service are founding the rules by which the Users are following to use the site and its information in the case when there is no other valid agreement between client and seller.

The Terms of Service can be changed one-sided and in any time only by SG-Copmuters Engineering Ltd. Тhe Company has its lawful rights to conduct those changes without informing its contacts. The changes are made when the new re-worked Terms of Service are uploaded onto the site.

When accepting the current Terms of Service the User gives his agreement for concluding a contract from a distance.
There might be other hyperlinks in the site with connection to other sites so that you can get better information about a certain product but SG-Computers has no responsibility whether the information is accurate or not and SG-Computers has no responsibility over your usage of other web sites – owned by different companies and organisations.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd has the right to deny or terminate any registration of a user without having a reason for this and without any compensations for the customer/user

Only people over the age of 18 have the ability to order products. By registration in the web site the person is declaring that he/she is an adult.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd and its Customers are in an agreement that the electronic communication between them as so as the usage of a correct and real account, has the power of a physical signature between them.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd has the right to publish any banners or advertisements or hyperlinks in its E-shop Site platform according to the current law.

All products as well as those in promotions are sold and delivered until completely sold out with no further quantities on stock even if this is not explained in the platform.

If a directive out of the current Terms of Service is found to be inapplicable regardless the reason for this, it does not mean that that the other points in the Terms of Service are not to be followed or to be a must.

Site usage and Intellectual property

The whole information publicized in our site and as well as all other content in are intellectual properties of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd and are under the effect of Law for protection of Intellectual property and its sibling rights judging by the Bulgarian Law. All trade marks, publications are belongings to their owners. Signing a contract from distance doesn't permit the user to copy, distribute, publish, print, change or land for any reason to any  third person any of the this site’s content as so as put it for public display whithot this to be agreed with and permited in written by SG-Computers Engineering Ltd.. The visitors and users of this web site are banned from using our content in the site for trade purposes or to copy it and re-send it without SG-Computers Engineering Lts's written approval. If you violate these rules – your right to use this site is automatically terminated and you should immediately  stop using and destroy any collected, as so as printed data of it’s conten. Your ability to log in to our platform will be terminated.

Contract and online trading policy

When making an order trough the site or on the phone the customer is accepting to receive the product/s or service/s from SG-Computers Engineering Ltd against payment.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd informs their clients trough the registered by them phone or mail when the customers have placed an order and provides additional information for the further procedure of  payment and delivery of the products ordered. In certain circumstances SG-Computers Engineering Ltd may not be in position and has the right not to deliver part or all of the products or services ordered without carrying any liability for that. Depends from what part of the order will not be possible to be delivered and the buyer already paid for it - the responsibility of the seller is to partially or fully reimburse to the buyer with the funds already paid to the seller for the order.

Тhe contract concluded from distance is considered signed when there is an email verification or a phone call confirming the order to be executed and delivered. The information provided by the Customer / Buyer as well as the current Terms of Service are an irrevocable part from the Contract concluded from distance.

Every customer/visitor can use the web site to make and account registration or to conduct an order.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd has the right to ban or reduce the customers ability to use services to carry out an order or whatever is to be considered a violation of the rules without further notice or information. SG-Computers Engineerig Ltd is not responsible for any eventual losses of the Client due to such decision.

Any user is allowed to have only one registration in the site. One account can not be used by more than one physical person and if there are any violations or eventual losses from that the actually registered customer bares them all.

All prices in the site are in United States Dollars (USD) and will be revaluated by the “’we sell” exchange rate of Eurobank Bulgaria AD - Post Bank in the day of issuance of a proforma – invoice, according to which the payment will be executed. The Original Invoice is issued and delivered to the Client together with the warranty papers for the products at it’s actual delivery. All prices are calculated with VAT.

The prices in the site which are line crossed is just to show old prices and they do not have any jurisdictional value but have only informative character.

The product price is the one which is visible at the moment of order placement and is valid for the stock quantities and/or for the products in promotion (which will be mentioned eventually) if any.

Delivery price is not included in the Product price, as so as certain additional bank charges tо the Client at payment. Before concluding the order SG-Computers Engineering Ltd will give a detailed information for delivery and transportation costs which the customer has to pay.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd can change the prices of products on a daily basis without informing.
When presenting and showing products and services SG-Computers Engineering Ltd has its right to use other brands and accessories which may not be price included.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd does not guarantee that all products and services will have stock quantities.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd can give out discount codes. The time span and the value of the discount and its validity is decided only by SG-Computers Engineering Ltd.

It is possible after buying from SG-Computers Engineering Ltd that the company will ask the customers to make a brief comment whether the products and services bought satisfy the clients needs and expectations.

Placing Order

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd recommends тo the users of the site to register if they want to order. Confidentiality for the registration data is guaranteed. However besides ours it is also responsibility of each user is to keep his account data and the access to the site safe, as so as not to disclose to anyone to his username and password to enter his personal profile in the site and to have access to the information contained therein.

To place an order, the customer must add the desired goods in the shopping cart, following the instructions and the steps provided in the site.

Each client in drawing up the order shall specify basic parameters as given in the site options: Product brand and model required, number of ordered items, as so as certain other options provided for the product if any.

Finalizing the order, the customer agrees that all the information required for purchasing process is accurate and complete at the time of the order.

Orders that are unfinished, do not lead to registration order.

All orders are dependent on stock and therefore are confirmed or denied (depending on the state of stocks).

The customer can check the availability of any product on the product page on the site (located under the picture of the product).

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is not responsible for product that is labeled as "out of stock'.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to further specify to the clients availability and delivery time for the products by phone or email.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to refuse and / or does not fulfill /an order,to pre-warn the client without any subsequent responsibilities or obligations of each party. In such circumstances SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is obliged to reimburse amounts paid by the customer, if any, without leading to any additional costs for the customer.

By registering an order, the customer agrees that SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. can connect to it using all the contact details provided at registration. This may be in relation to your order, but not only.

In contact form via email or phone by SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. with the client, the client commits to express their consent to your order and confirm all the details on it.

If you wish to cancel an order, please contact SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. And do so in writing using the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Payment and Invoicing

Due to the specifics and the relatively high value of the products offered in this site, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. provides to the Clients only one way of payment: direct bank transfer.

After properly concluded and confirmed order, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will issue to the Client a detailed proforma-invoice which exactly stipulates the products and the services to be paid as so as the necessary for payment bank information. The Client pays with direct bank transfer to the bank account of  SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. – 100 % of the proforma –invoice value.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. delivers the products and the services paid to the Client as agreed through the territory of Bulgaria. In case the Client whant the products and services paid to be delivered outside Bulgaria – this concerns an additional detailed agreement between the two parties of the order. The Original invoice and Warranty papers for the products are supplied to the Client at delivery.

In two cases, stipulated in details bellow, which concerns delivery of products which are not present in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. at the time the order is placed, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to request from the Client a guarantee for good performance in the deal in a form of up to 30 % partial pre-payment. In such cases two proforma-invoices will be issued in accordance with the relevant parts of payment. The Original invoice and Warranty papers for the products are supplied to the Client at delivery.

The prices of the products and the services offered in this site of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. are final and include VAT, as the applicable law requires.

For certain bigger deals serving Clients projects of a total value over 50 000 (fifty thousand) USD, the Parties may deside to agree in writing for several partial payments and according deliveries of the products and the services.

For the proper issuance of the proforma and the original invoices, the client should provide all the necessary information requested by the applicable law for that purpose.

The Client is solely responsible for the correctness of the data provided in it’s account. In order the invoice to be properly concluded and issued, The Client should check that the data stipulated in the order is correct and as full as possible.

The Client agrees to execute the payments according to the above mentioned way, or eventually in accordance with the additionally agreed in writing SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. for certain bigger deals serving Clients projects of a total value over 50 000 (fifty thousand) USD.

In case SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. does not receive payment by the Client as it was described above, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. has the right to consider the order contract void.


SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right the timing and the availability of the products as so as the terms of delivery to be precisely reconfirmed over the phone or email at the time of processing of the order. SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is not responsible for compliance with the terms of delivery for products that are labelled “only by request” or are to be supplied for a certain period and / or are not available in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. in Sofia at the time of the order.

The prices on the site are in US dollars (USD) and include VAT and are quoted EXW (franco –  warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. in Sofia). The price of the product does not include the cost of delivery and fees due under payment. The price for delivery is discussed And agreed between the parties at the time of proforma – invoice issuance. The Client should be aware that any product varies with its volume, weight and timentions of the transport packaging, so in order us to be correct with the client, the price for the transportation is to be calculated separately for any order separately.

In order the precise calculation for the transport expenses for delivery – the Client is obliged to state the correct address, phone and e-mail of the authorised by the Client personnel to accept the products at delivery and sign the invoice copy in confirmation that the order is completed. The presence of blank fields for feedback or publication of false, incorrect or inaccurate information, do not assume that SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will conduct the order properly, therefore such obligation could not be guaranteed.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. offers every customer the opportunity to take the product ordered directly from the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Sofia without paying for shipping.

The delivery time is calculated in working days.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. states that the products which are ordered and are in stock in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Sofia, will be sent only when payment has been made.

The provider of postal services – hired to execute the delivery of the products shall assume the responsibility for the products during transportation.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. advises customers to open orders in front of the courier, and if there is failure to immediately inform the supplier of the postal service.

Ways of delivery

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. delivers the goods to you using a courier company Rapido and / or with it’s owned transport. This will be clarified with the Client at the time of ordering.

Time needed for delivery

Will be discussed, agreed and confirmed at the time of ordering.

1. When the products ordered and are in stock in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Sofia – the delivery to the client is executed within 24-48 hours period (working days) after payment.

2. When, due to the specifics of the products and for certain logistics purposes the products are located in stock in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering EU.  The delivery of the products to the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Sofia takes 7-10 working days. In such case as explained above, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to request from the Client a guarantee for good performance in the deal in a form of up to 30 % partial pre-payment. In such cases two proforma-invoices will be issued in accordance with the relevant parts of payment. The first proforma for the advanced payment will be issued before the goods leave the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. located in EU. The second proforma- invoice for the rest of the amount due will be issued as soon as the products are delivered in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. in Sofia. The Original invoice and Warranty papers for the products are supplied to the Client at delivery.

3. When the order concerns relatively new products and due to understandable logistical reasons they are still located at the warehouses of our main Supplier Partners in Taiwan or USA. SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. whould order them to be delivered first in it’s warehouse in EU and than to deliver them to it warehouse in Sofia. In this specific case the delivery to Sofia may take 30-45 working days after order confirmation. In such case as explained above, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to request from the Client a guarantee for good performance in the deal in a form of up to 30 % partial pre-payment. In such cases two proforma-invoices will be issued in accordance with the relevant parts of payment. The first proforma for the advanced payment will be issued before the goods leave the warehouse our main Supplier Partners in Taiwan or USA. The second proforma- invoice for the rest of the amount due will be issued as soon as the products are delivered in the warehouse of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. in Sofia. The Original invoice and Warranty papers for the products are supplied to the Client at delivery.


SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. offers products that are in line with both the current legislation and the guarantee policy of the producer and / or distributor of those customers who are users under the Law on Consumer Protection.

Outside the assurance of conformity under the previous provision, some products may also have additional commercial guarantees. This will be specified in the warranty card accompanying the product, which will present the exact Terms of warranty.

Commercial availability of such guarantee does not limit the legal guarantee of conformity for goods purchased with the contract under the Law on Consumer Protection. Regardless of the commercial guarantee SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is responsible for the lack of conformity of consumer goods with the sales contract under the guarantee in art.112-115 of the CPA.

The warranty period of the goods begins to run from the date of sale.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd., aso as the relevant Producers of the products offered here, have the right to issue warranty cards.
The products are delivered with a warranty card issued by the manufacturer are serviced by the manufacturer service networks within the warranty period, if any in the country. Service networks authorized by the manufacturer, take full responsibility for the product when using the guarantee, as specified by them. The conditions of the guarantee may vary depending on the manufacturer and determine the commercial policy of each manufacturer nationally. Contacts, addresses and phone numbers of these workshops are listed in the original warranty card. Any defect within the warranty period contact for consultation by phone specified in the warranty card. The details of the settlement of warranty cases are determined by the manufacturer and its service policy.

The warranty period of the goods is specified in the warranty card and begins to run from the date of sale;

Repairs during the warranty period shall be made only upon presentation of an invoice and warranty card;

Service center SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. serves the products sold with its warranty card. Goods must have all documents of purchase (invoice), warranty card and an accompany note with detailed description of the problem.

Admission procedure in the sevice centre:

Defective products must be delivered to the service center SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. in person or by courier to the address: Gorna Banya, Daskal Stefcho № 3. post code 1614.

Establishing the defect: Upon receipt of the product the service center, diagnoses if there are any problems. Specialists carry out the necessary actions to remedy the defect.

Performance warranty

Ways to implement the guarantee can be: repairing the product; reimbursement of the product if it is not possible another solution; partial or complete replacement.

Each of the above cases must be completed within one month. The warranty period is extended by the time of stay in the unit for service. This period is considered the time of entry into service to bring the product in good condition and sending it by courier or informing the customer that can not get their equipment in service.

Returning the goods to the customer

After bringing the product in good condition, it can be obtained in the service center of SG- Computers Engineering Ltd. or be sent back to the address by courier, according to the client. It is possible in some localities delivery may take longer, as SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is not responsible for it.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. issued warranty cards, paper along with the ordered product and in electronic format specified by the customer email address or by adding them to the customer's account.

In the event that the customer obtains a product without a warranty card, proof of purchase or other problem, he is obliged to report at email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 48 hours the receipt of the goods. In the event that the customer notifies SG - Computers Engineering Ltd. for lack of warranty card or other documents within this period it shall be deemed that such were provided by the seller.

User is obliged to regularly update the data in your account and examine them before ordering because SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will use them in completing the issuance of warranty cards and other documents. SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will not guarantee reissued cards issued based on incorrect or outdated data, the customer is updated, which will void the warranty for the goods.

For additional information and / or problem, call the service of SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. at email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is entitled to use subcontractors without the need to notify or obtain the consent of customers.
SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will be responsible for the actions of those subcontractors.

Privacy Disclaimer

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. takes care for the information on this site is to be complete, accurate and reliable. Meanwhile, SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. can not guarantee the absolute absence of errors or inaccuracies in this information and assumes no liability for any losses arising from access, use or inability to use information on this site, including losses from incomplete or inaccurate information. SG-Computers Engineering Ltd specifies that image (static / dynamic presentations, etc.) products are informative and possible products supplied differ from those depicted due to technical errors, changing characteristics, design or revision of catalog . The customer has no right to seek any liability of the seller for any discrepancies. Features, descriptions and prices on the site may contain errors and can be changed at any time. The customer has no right to seek any liability of the seller for any discrepancies.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. is not responsible for losses caused by adverse effects of accessing the site, eg computer viruses that can cause damage to your PC, tablet or smartphone.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right at any time to make changes and additions to the site without prior notice, and without liability for the consequences or any losses caused by such changes and additions to the site content. SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. does not guarantee the customer the availability of any product, access to the site, login, content, products and services and is not responsible for any suffered by the customer or third party damage occurred as a result. SG- Computers Engineering Ltd. is not responsible for the actions of any user of the site.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. under no circumstances is to be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to lost profits, loss of information, business interruption resulting from the use, inability to use or the results of the use of site.

Advertising and newsletter

Each user registration on the site agrees by default to receive promotional brochures, newsletters, updates and other special offers from SGS - Computers Engineering Ltd.

Each user can at any time to opt out of receiving promotional materials by email: By using a special link located in each special offer, orin writing at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Every customer is in acceptance of these conditions, agrees by default to receive the information provided by his contacts - calls, messages and text messages, performed with or without human intervention.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to choose who to send such information, and to remove from its database of individual contacts client without any further obligations and without further notice.

SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. does not distribute unsolicited commercial communications within the meaning of the Electronic Commerce Act.

The refusal to receive promotional materials and updates does not mean denial of this contract.

Force majeure obstacles

Neither party is responsible for the breach of its contractual obligations if such failure is due to force majeure. Force Majeure is an unforeseen or unavoidable event beyond the control of the parties, which can not be avoided. Events falling in this category can be natural or natural disasters, blockades, fire, industrial accidents and others.

If within 14 days from the time of the event it can not be resolved, either party may request the other contract termination, without either party being liable for damages.

Disputes and applicable law

The possible invalidity of any provision of these Terms and Conditions will not invalidate the entire contract.
This document has been prepared and will be interpreted in accordance with Bulgarian law.

By visiting, using, viewing and otherwise of any content, product or service available and / or supplied in any way the customer agrees to these Terms and Conditions.

Disputes which may arise between client and SG-Computers Engineering Ltd. will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, they will be referred to the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with Bulgarian law.

These terms and conditions shall enter into force for all users of